Friday, February 7, 2014

The Trinity of Dream and Reality

  What do we define the doors to other worlds, is it the location, a name, a person, or anything.Or the face that you come from a near death experience that you see thing that aren't there or if you woke up from a decade of sleep. Let us now cast our ear at the one door that separates the world from Dream to Reality, the most accurate place that can define that door is...Your Mind.
   I looked up the word "Bardo", its a Tibetan word for in-between-state, a state of life and death situation the person is experiencing. You may have hallucination whether you see or hear something and you can be visited by peaceful deities, like angles and wrathful deities, like demons. The last progressive state is obvious, death. But this is an interesting riddle that you already should know, or not. "when is a door not a door?" or when its ajar. If someone were to go from an unconscious state to a superconsious state, you open the doors to your mind. Once open for too long, then you really loose sight if it. no good though. its like battling you own demons and fighting your true nature of yourself. Even harder if one see things difference apart from one world to another. Earth (human world), Paradise (heaven), Inferno (hell), and lets not forget Purgatory, the world where lost souls wounder, fight long enought in there and you'll really loose sight. But there has to be balance.